Use "reflexologist|reflexologists" in a sentence

1. Believable Skin Care is owned by Catherine Sir, who is a licensed Master Esthetician, Educator, and Certified Reflexologist

2. The increase in the use of other types of alternative practitioners (including massage therapists, acupuncturists, homeopaths or naturopaths, Feldenkrais or Alexander teachers, relaxation therapists, biofeedback teachers, rolfers, herbalists, reflexologists, spiritual healers, religious healers, and others) accounted for the increase over this period (Millar 2001: 12).

3. • if 'yes,' with whom (massage therapist, acupuncturist, homeopath or naturopath, Feldenkrais or Alexander teacher, relaxation therapist, biofeedback teacher, rolfer, herbalist, reflexologist, spiritual healer, religious healer, or other - specify) The NPHS was able to correlate data gathered on the use of complementary and alternative practitioners with other data gathered from respondents in the survey, including socio-demographic characteristics, health behaviours, chronic conditions, and health care utilization.